MagGeo - Parallel Mode

Authors | Fernando Benitez-Paez, Urška Demšar, Jed Long, Ciaran Beggan

Contact |,,,

Keywords | Bird migration, data fusion, Earth’s magnetic field, Swarm, GPS tracking


This Jupyter Notebook will guide you through the required steps to annotate your GPS tracking data with the earth’s magnetic field data from Swarm (European Space Agency). This version is called Parallel Mode to take advantage of parallelized computing to process big datasets.

To execute the code, you can go through each cell (pressing Crtl+Enter), you will also find inner comments ## to describe each particular step. If you are not familiar with Jupyter Notebook, you migth want to take some time to learn how to use it first, for example take a look at the notebook-basics.ipynb Notebook inside MagGeo.

For parallel processing, there are some considerations to make:

  1. Linux and Windows environments have some differences. In windows we need to separate the functions and store them separately, then import them into a main function.
  2. Defining what part of the process is CPU bound and what part is I/O bound: Identify what parts of the program are I/O bound (writing or reading from the disk or network) and what part par CPU bound ( Processing capacity). To take advantage of our CPU capacity we need to identify the process where the CPU is actually doing the main Tasks.

Data requirements

Import the requeried libraries

import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta
import sys, os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from viresclient import set_token
import utilities
from utilities.MagGeoFunctions import getGPSData
from utilities.MagGeoFunctions import Get_Swarm_residuals

Add your VirES web client Token

The VirES client API, requires a token. Before start you need to get your own VirES token. You can visit to get yours, and then add it into the next cell.

set_token("", set_default=True)

Reading the GPS track

The following steps will load the GPS track from a csv file, and set some requirements before download the data from Swarm. Importing the GPS track. You can note that there is a folder to store the CSV file. Using os.getcwd() you can validate where the file is located.

temp_results_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "temp_data")
results_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "results")
data_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "data")
#Make sure the csv file of your trackectory is stored in the Data folder.
#Enter the name of your GPS track csv file including the extension .csv  and press Enter (e.g. BirdGPSTrajectory.csv)
# Make sure you have a columnn that integrates date and time, before include in MagGeo.
#If your csv track file does not have any altitude attribute, MagGeo will use sea level as your altitude (i.e. 0 Km).
# i.e height (Only in KM)

gpsfilename= "BirdGPSTrajectoryTest.csv"
altitude = "height"
# Here MagGeo is reading your CSV file, taking the Lat, Long, Date&Time and Altitutes attributes and compute, some aditional attrubutes we need to the annotation process.
# Setting the date and time attributes for the required format and computing the epoch column. Values like Maximum and Minimun Date and time are also calculated.
GPSData = getGPSData(data_dir,gpsfilename,Lat,Long,DateTime,altitude)
gpsDateTime gpsLong gpsLat gpsAltitude epoch dates times
0 2014-09-08 05:54:00 68.307333 70.854717 0.000 1410155640 2014-09-08 05:54:00
1 2014-09-08 06:10:00 67.975050 70.830300 0.406 1410156600 2014-09-08 06:10:00
2 2014-09-08 06:26:00 67.752417 70.761717 0.498 1410157560 2014-09-08 06:26:00
3 2014-09-08 06:42:00 67.561983 70.686517 0.787 1410158520 2014-09-08 06:42:00
4 2014-09-08 07:14:00 67.548317 70.685450 0.337 1410160440 2014-09-08 07:14:00
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
194 2014-09-27 11:09:00 49.503800 67.735100 0.098 1411816140 2014-09-27 11:09:00
195 2014-09-27 11:25:00 49.503767 67.735100 0.099 1411817100 2014-09-27 11:25:00
196 2014-09-27 11:40:00 49.503667 67.735100 0.100 1411818000 2014-09-27 11:40:00
197 2014-09-27 11:56:00 49.503650 67.735100 0.100 1411818960 2014-09-27 11:56:00
198 2014-09-27 12:11:00 49.503617 67.735000 0.092 1411819860 2014-09-27 12:11:00

199 rows × 7 columns

Setting the date and time attributes for the requerided format and computing the epoch column. Values like Maximum and Minimun Date and time are also calculated.

Validate the right amount of Swarm measures

The following loop is identifiying the time and validating if the time is less than 4:00 hours and more than 20:00 hours to bring one extra day of data. The result of this validation is written in a empty python list which will be later validated to get the unique dates avoing to download data for the same day and reducing the the downloand time process.

datestimeslist = []
for index, row in GPSData.iterrows():
    datetimerow  = row['gpsDateTime']
    daterow = row['dates']
    hourrow = row['times']
    hourrow = hourrow.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
    if hourrow < '04:00:00':
        date_bfr = daterow - (timedelta(days=1))
    if hourrow > '20:00:00':
        Date_aft = daterow + (timedelta(days=1))

Getting a list of unique dates, to being used to download the Swarm Data

def uniquelistdates(list): 
    x = np.array(list) 
    uniquelist = np.unique(x)
    return uniquelist

uniquelist_dates = uniquelistdates(datestimeslist)

Download Swarm residuals data

Once the date and time columns have been defined, and the unique dates were identified the script can start the download process. Usually the data from Swarm is requested using only one satellite, however MagGeo will use the magnetic measures from the three satellite of the Swarm Mission.

Set a connection to the VirES client and using the function Get_Swarm_residuals we will get the swarm residuals for the dates included in the previous list.


hours_t_day = 24
hours_added = dt.timedelta(hours = hours_t_day)

listdfa = []
listdfb = []
listdfc = []

for d in tqdm(uniquelist_dates, desc="Getting Swarm Data"):
    #print("Getting Swarm data for date:",d )
    startdate = dt.datetime.combine(d, dt.datetime.min.time())
    enddate = startdate + hours_added
    SwarmResidualsA,SwarmResidualsB,SwarmResidualsC = Get_Swarm_residuals(startdate, enddate)

Concat the previous results and temporally save the requested data locally: Integrate the previous list for all dates, into pandas dataframes. We will temporally saved the previous results, in case you need to re-run MagGeo, with the following csv files you will not need to run the download process.

TotalSwarmRes_A = pd.concat(listdfa, join='outer', axis=0)
TotalSwarmRes_A.to_csv (os.path.join(temp_results_dir,'TotalSwarmRes_A.csv'), header=True)
TotalSwarmRes_B = pd.concat(listdfb, join='outer', axis=0)
TotalSwarmRes_B.to_csv (os.path.join(temp_results_dir,'TotalSwarmRes_B.csv'), header=True)
TotalSwarmRes_C = pd.concat(listdfc, join='outer', axis=0)
TotalSwarmRes_C.to_csv (os.path.join(temp_results_dir,'TotalSwarmRes_C.csv'), header=True)
TotalSwarmRes_A #If you need to take a look of the Swarm Data, you can print TotalSwarmRes_B, or TotalSwarmRes_C

Set the number of processes, and split the dataframe (GPSData) into chunks

We can set the number or processess we need to dedicate for the multiprocessing mode, of course that also depends on the number of cores the machine you are using to run MagGeo. You can use multiprocessing.cpu_count() to set the number of processes as the the number of cores your machine has. Beside that we will also to split the GPS track into chucks to dedicate each core for each chuck. For more information take a look at the Home Notebook.

import multiprocessing
import sklearn
from multiprocessing import Pool

NumCores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
df_chunks = np.array_split(GPSData,NumCores)
[           gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 0  2014-09-08 05:54:00  68.307333  70.854717        0.000  1410155640   
 1  2014-09-08 06:10:00  67.975050  70.830300        0.406  1410156600   
 2  2014-09-08 06:26:00  67.752417  70.761717        0.498  1410157560   
 3  2014-09-08 06:42:00  67.561983  70.686517        0.787  1410158520   
 4  2014-09-08 07:14:00  67.548317  70.685450        0.337  1410160440   
 5  2014-09-08 07:30:00  67.549433  70.685750        0.026  1410161400   
 6  2014-09-08 07:46:00  67.530983  70.690333        0.026  1410162360   
 7  2014-09-08 08:03:00  67.506233  70.692683        0.023  1410163380   
 8  2014-09-08 08:34:00  67.506167  70.692533        0.022  1410165240   
 9  2014-09-08 08:50:00  67.506383  70.692583        0.023  1410166200   
 10 2014-09-08 09:37:00  67.501633  70.695017        0.026  1410169020   
 11 2014-09-08 09:54:00  67.498917  70.693850        0.026  1410170040   
 12 2014-09-08 13:53:00  67.505800  70.692667        0.000  1410184380   
          dates     times  
 0   2014-09-08  05:54:00  
 1   2014-09-08  06:10:00  
 2   2014-09-08  06:26:00  
 3   2014-09-08  06:42:00  
 4   2014-09-08  07:14:00  
 5   2014-09-08  07:30:00  
 6   2014-09-08  07:46:00  
 7   2014-09-08  08:03:00  
 8   2014-09-08  08:34:00  
 9   2014-09-08  08:50:00  
 10  2014-09-08  09:37:00  
 11  2014-09-08  09:54:00  
 12  2014-09-08  13:53:00  ,
            gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 13 2014-09-08 14:09:00  67.505883  70.692667        0.034  1410185340   
 14 2014-09-08 14:25:00  67.506000  70.692617        0.034  1410186300   
 15 2014-09-08 14:41:00  67.505883  70.692750        0.033  1410187260   
 16 2014-09-08 15:13:00  67.511617  70.694350        0.036  1410189180   
 17 2014-09-08 15:29:00  67.509050  70.693650        0.034  1410190140   
 18 2014-09-08 15:45:00  67.511250  70.693467        0.032  1410191100   
 19 2014-09-08 16:01:00  67.510000  70.693450        0.033  1410192060   
 20 2014-09-08 16:33:00  67.510767  70.693633        0.034  1410193980   
 21 2014-09-08 16:49:00  67.509500  70.693583        0.033  1410194940   
 22 2014-09-08 17:05:00  67.509750  70.693600        0.033  1410195900   
 23 2014-09-08 17:38:00  67.509700  70.693633        0.035  1410197880   
 24 2014-09-08 17:53:00  67.509650  70.693650        0.017  1410198780   
 25 2014-09-21 12:23:00  49.996717  66.897217        0.019  1411302180   
          dates     times  
 13  2014-09-08  14:09:00  
 14  2014-09-08  14:25:00  
 15  2014-09-08  14:41:00  
 16  2014-09-08  15:13:00  
 17  2014-09-08  15:29:00  
 18  2014-09-08  15:45:00  
 19  2014-09-08  16:01:00  
 20  2014-09-08  16:33:00  
 21  2014-09-08  16:49:00  
 22  2014-09-08  17:05:00  
 23  2014-09-08  17:38:00  
 24  2014-09-08  17:53:00  
 25  2014-09-21  12:23:00  ,
            gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 26 2014-09-21 12:55:00  49.997550  66.897567        0.030  1411304100   
 27 2014-09-21 13:11:00  49.998683  66.898600        0.000  1411305060   
 28 2014-09-21 13:43:00  49.997133  66.898300        0.000  1411306980   
 29 2014-09-21 14:00:00  49.997383  66.897600        0.000  1411308000   
 30 2014-09-21 14:17:00  49.997467  66.897517        0.000  1411309020   
 31 2014-09-21 14:31:00  50.005250  66.895483        0.044  1411309860   
 32 2014-09-21 15:03:00  50.040800  66.890583        0.000  1411311780   
 33 2014-09-21 15:19:00  50.047867  66.890167        0.000  1411312740   
 34 2014-09-21 15:35:00  50.047600  66.890150        0.000  1411313700   
 35 2014-09-21 16:07:00  50.047800  66.890183        0.000  1411315620   
 36 2014-09-21 16:23:00  49.961467  66.980783        0.000  1411316580   
 37 2014-09-22 05:52:00  49.847017  66.960383        0.000  1411365120   
 38 2014-09-22 06:08:00  49.846967  66.960450        0.000  1411366080   
          dates     times  
 26  2014-09-21  12:55:00  
 27  2014-09-21  13:11:00  
 28  2014-09-21  13:43:00  
 29  2014-09-21  14:00:00  
 30  2014-09-21  14:17:00  
 31  2014-09-21  14:31:00  
 32  2014-09-21  15:03:00  
 33  2014-09-21  15:19:00  
 34  2014-09-21  15:35:00  
 35  2014-09-21  16:07:00  
 36  2014-09-21  16:23:00  
 37  2014-09-22  05:52:00  
 38  2014-09-22  06:08:00  ,
            gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 39 2014-09-22 06:24:00  49.846950  66.960367        0.000  1411367040   
 40 2014-09-22 06:40:00  49.847350  66.960383        0.000  1411368000   
 41 2014-09-22 07:13:00  49.846850  66.960400        0.000  1411369980   
 42 2014-09-22 08:02:00  49.712750  67.096717        0.000  1411372920   
 43 2014-09-30 06:35:00  47.120217  66.684717        0.006  1412058900   
 44 2014-09-30 06:51:00  46.696433  66.529533        0.000  1412059860   
 45 2014-09-30 07:07:00  46.267167  66.378733        0.000  1412060820   
 46 2014-09-30 07:23:00  45.813017  66.230733        0.000  1412061780   
 47 2014-09-30 08:04:00  44.659750  65.770600        0.000  1412064240   
 48 2014-09-30 08:46:00  43.495867  65.287350        0.000  1412066760   
 49 2014-09-30 10:10:00  41.314500  64.129950        0.000  1412071800   
 50 2014-09-30 10:26:00  40.957017  63.896433        0.000  1412072760   
 51 2014-09-30 11:04:00  40.313267  63.317133        0.000  1412075040   
          dates     times  
 39  2014-09-22  06:24:00  
 40  2014-09-22  06:40:00  
 41  2014-09-22  07:13:00  
 42  2014-09-22  08:02:00  
 43  2014-09-30  06:35:00  
 44  2014-09-30  06:51:00  
 45  2014-09-30  07:07:00  
 46  2014-09-30  07:23:00  
 47  2014-09-30  08:04:00  
 48  2014-09-30  08:46:00  
 49  2014-09-30  10:10:00  
 50  2014-09-30  10:26:00  
 51  2014-09-30  11:04:00  ,
            gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 52 2014-09-30 11:21:00  40.012267  63.049433          0.0  1412076060   
 53 2014-09-30 11:53:00  39.520267  62.547750          0.0  1412077980   
 54 2014-09-30 12:09:00  39.286400  62.327483          0.0  1412078940   
 55 2014-09-30 16:27:00  35.165983  59.422467          0.0  1412094420   
 56 2014-09-30 16:59:00  34.759200  58.980250          0.0  1412096340   
 57 2014-09-30 17:15:00  34.471817  58.817917          0.0  1412097300   
 58 2014-09-30 17:47:00  34.448300  58.827933          0.0  1412099220   
 59 2014-09-30 18:04:00  34.448467  58.826017          0.0  1412100240   
 60 2014-09-30 18:20:00  34.435233  58.819850          0.0  1412101200   
 61 2014-09-30 18:35:00  34.201167  58.727250          0.0  1412102100   
 62 2014-09-30 19:08:00  33.569233  58.405500          0.0  1412104080   
 63 2014-09-30 19:24:00  33.236700  58.241183          0.0  1412105040   
 64 2014-09-30 19:40:00  33.014350  58.041567          0.0  1412106000   
          dates     times  
 52  2014-09-30  11:21:00  
 53  2014-09-30  11:53:00  
 54  2014-09-30  12:09:00  
 55  2014-09-30  16:27:00  
 56  2014-09-30  16:59:00  
 57  2014-09-30  17:15:00  
 58  2014-09-30  17:47:00  
 59  2014-09-30  18:04:00  
 60  2014-09-30  18:20:00  
 61  2014-09-30  18:35:00  
 62  2014-09-30  19:08:00  
 63  2014-09-30  19:24:00  
 64  2014-09-30  19:40:00  ,
            gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 65 2014-09-30 19:56:00  32.698767  57.913150        0.000  1412106960   
 66 2014-09-30 20:12:00  32.470350  57.709567        0.003  1412107920   
 67 2014-09-30 20:28:00  32.223617  57.567683        0.002  1412108880   
 68 2014-10-01 00:29:00  31.970950  57.454033        0.000  1412123340   
 69 2014-10-01 00:44:00  31.971250  57.453767        0.000  1412124240   
 70 2014-10-01 01:00:00  31.971667  57.453667        0.037  1412125200   
 71 2014-10-01 02:42:00  31.894067  57.427383        0.038  1412131320   
 72 2014-10-01 02:59:00  31.669200  57.321483        0.128  1412132340   
 73 2014-10-01 03:14:00  31.446667  57.195767        0.135  1412133240   
 74 2014-10-01 05:05:00  29.696600  56.703217        0.131  1412139900   
 75 2014-10-01 06:19:00  28.411983  56.252417        0.127  1412144340   
 76 2014-10-01 06:35:00  28.150767  56.085417        0.132  1412145300   
 77 2014-10-01 07:23:00  27.264867  55.628233        0.132  1412148180   
          dates     times  
 65  2014-09-30  19:56:00  
 66  2014-09-30  20:12:00  
 67  2014-09-30  20:28:00  
 68  2014-10-01  00:29:00  
 69  2014-10-01  00:44:00  
 70  2014-10-01  01:00:00  
 71  2014-10-01  02:42:00  
 72  2014-10-01  02:59:00  
 73  2014-10-01  03:14:00  
 74  2014-10-01  05:05:00  
 75  2014-10-01  06:19:00  
 76  2014-10-01  06:35:00  
 77  2014-10-01  07:23:00  ,
            gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 78 2014-10-01 07:40:00  26.967033  55.513917        0.132  1412149200   
 79 2014-10-01 07:56:00  26.703400  55.396383        0.131  1412150160   
 80 2014-10-01 11:42:00  22.913617  53.929300        0.129  1412163720   
 81 2014-10-01 12:13:00  22.347700  53.795100        0.131  1412165580   
 82 2014-10-01 12:29:00  22.068817  53.726433        0.129  1412166540   
 83 2014-10-01 13:02:00  21.519500  53.613633        0.000  1412168520   
 84 2014-10-01 13:18:00  21.238517  53.580000        0.142  1412169480   
 85 2014-10-01 13:34:00  20.974200  53.522383        0.137  1412170440   
 86 2014-10-01 13:50:00  20.682200  53.486600        0.136  1412171400   
 87 2014-10-01 14:22:00  20.148067  53.381400        0.000  1412173320   
 88 2014-10-01 14:38:00  19.858717  53.353933        0.134  1412174280   
 89 2014-10-01 14:54:00  19.568867  53.324533        0.149  1412175240   
 90 2014-10-01 15:26:00  18.964567  53.259633        0.145  1412177160   
          dates     times  
 78  2014-10-01  07:40:00  
 79  2014-10-01  07:56:00  
 80  2014-10-01  11:42:00  
 81  2014-10-01  12:13:00  
 82  2014-10-01  12:29:00  
 83  2014-10-01  13:02:00  
 84  2014-10-01  13:18:00  
 85  2014-10-01  13:34:00  
 86  2014-10-01  13:50:00  
 87  2014-10-01  14:22:00  
 88  2014-10-01  14:38:00  
 89  2014-10-01  14:54:00  
 90  2014-10-01  15:26:00  ,
             gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 91  2014-10-01 15:42:00  18.664850  53.268217        0.145  1412178120   
 92  2014-10-01 19:42:00  16.177583  53.797867        0.143  1412192520   
 93  2014-10-01 19:57:00  16.178717  53.798633        0.136  1412193420   
 94  2014-10-01 20:13:00  16.179067  53.798667        0.135  1412194380   
 95  2014-10-01 20:30:00  16.179150  53.798850        0.133  1412195400   
 96  2014-10-01 21:02:00  16.178950  53.798350        0.134  1412197320   
 97  2014-10-01 21:18:00  16.178817  53.798350        0.146  1412198280   
 98  2014-10-01 21:34:00  16.179200  53.798467        0.124  1412199240   
 99  2014-10-01 21:50:00  16.178483  53.798617        0.117  1412200200   
 100 2014-10-01 22:22:00  16.179033  53.798367        0.118  1412202120   
 101 2014-10-01 22:38:00  16.178983  53.797933        0.119  1412203080   
 102 2014-10-01 23:10:00  16.178733  53.798333        0.118  1412205000   
           dates     times  
 91   2014-10-01  15:42:00  
 92   2014-10-01  19:42:00  
 93   2014-10-01  19:57:00  
 94   2014-10-01  20:13:00  
 95   2014-10-01  20:30:00  
 96   2014-10-01  21:02:00  
 97   2014-10-01  21:18:00  
 98   2014-10-01  21:34:00  
 99   2014-10-01  21:50:00  
 100  2014-10-01  22:22:00  
 101  2014-10-01  22:38:00  
 102  2014-10-01  23:10:00  ,
             gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 103 2014-10-01 23:26:00  16.178650  53.798483        0.126  1412205960   
 104 2014-10-01 23:42:00  16.179417  53.798400        0.129  1412206920   
 105 2014-10-01 23:58:00  16.179233  53.798633        0.107  1412207880   
 106 2014-10-02 03:42:00  16.179567  53.795533        0.108  1412221320   
 107 2014-10-02 04:14:00  16.161283  53.889767        0.109  1412223240   
 108 2014-10-02 05:02:00  15.977883  54.208517        0.913  1412226120   
 109 2014-10-02 05:18:00  15.791683  54.210117        0.823  1412227080   
 110 2014-10-02 05:35:00  15.640317  54.180867        0.010  1412228100   
 111 2014-10-02 05:51:00  15.502350  54.150750        0.005  1412229060   
 112 2014-10-02 06:22:00  15.502000  54.150600        0.009  1412230920   
 113 2014-10-02 06:38:00  15.500733  54.145917        0.000  1412231880   
 114 2014-10-02 07:26:00  15.500717  54.146000        0.000  1412234760   
           dates     times  
 103  2014-10-01  23:26:00  
 104  2014-10-01  23:42:00  
 105  2014-10-01  23:58:00  
 106  2014-10-02  03:42:00  
 107  2014-10-02  04:14:00  
 108  2014-10-02  05:02:00  
 109  2014-10-02  05:18:00  
 110  2014-10-02  05:35:00  
 111  2014-10-02  05:51:00  
 112  2014-10-02  06:22:00  
 113  2014-10-02  06:38:00  
 114  2014-10-02  07:26:00  ,
             gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 115 2014-10-02 07:43:00  15.499767  54.145750        0.000  1412235780   
 116 2014-10-02 11:43:00  15.236950  54.089233        0.000  1412250180   
 117 2014-10-02 11:59:00  15.236767  54.089383        0.003  1412251140   
 118 2014-10-02 12:15:00  15.236850  54.089300        0.005  1412252100   
 119 2014-10-02 12:31:00  15.236900  54.089283        0.381  1412253060   
 120 2014-10-02 13:04:00  15.236850  54.089267        0.928  1412255040   
 121 2014-10-02 13:20:00  15.236750  54.089433        0.337  1412256000   
 122 2014-10-02 13:36:00  15.236067  54.090017        0.267  1412256960   
 123 2014-10-02 13:52:00  15.236983  54.089300        0.357  1412257920   
 124 2014-10-02 14:24:00  15.237417  54.089350        0.140  1412259840   
 125 2014-10-02 14:41:00  15.236900  54.089200        0.315  1412260860   
 126 2014-10-02 14:57:00  15.237067  54.089250        0.132  1412261820   
           dates     times  
 115  2014-10-02  07:43:00  
 116  2014-10-02  11:43:00  
 117  2014-10-02  11:59:00  
 118  2014-10-02  12:15:00  
 119  2014-10-02  12:31:00  
 120  2014-10-02  13:04:00  
 121  2014-10-02  13:20:00  
 122  2014-10-02  13:36:00  
 123  2014-10-02  13:52:00  
 124  2014-10-02  14:24:00  
 125  2014-10-02  14:41:00  
 126  2014-10-02  14:57:00  ,
             gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 127 2014-10-02 15:29:00  15.236800  54.088833        0.136  1412263740   
 128 2014-10-02 15:45:00  15.237250  54.090200        0.133  1412264700   
 129 2014-10-02 19:45:00  15.111483  54.130650        0.133  1412279100   
 130 2014-10-02 20:01:00  15.111733  54.131350        0.130  1412280060   
 131 2014-10-02 20:17:00  15.111050  54.132650        0.133  1412281020   
 132 2014-10-02 20:34:00  15.109267  54.131633        0.133  1412282040   
 133 2014-10-02 21:06:00  15.107017  54.133217        0.132  1412283960   
 134 2014-10-02 21:22:00  15.106033  54.133567        0.128  1412284920   
 135 2014-10-02 21:38:00  15.103083  54.134050        0.124  1412285880   
 136 2014-10-02 21:54:00  15.101467  54.133400        0.129  1412286840   
 137 2014-10-02 22:26:00  15.096867  54.132917        0.132  1412288760   
 138 2014-10-02 22:42:00  15.093067  54.133083        0.130  1412289720   
           dates     times  
 127  2014-10-02  15:29:00  
 128  2014-10-02  15:45:00  
 129  2014-10-02  19:45:00  
 130  2014-10-02  20:01:00  
 131  2014-10-02  20:17:00  
 132  2014-10-02  20:34:00  
 133  2014-10-02  21:06:00  
 134  2014-10-02  21:22:00  
 135  2014-10-02  21:38:00  
 136  2014-10-02  21:54:00  
 137  2014-10-02  22:26:00  
 138  2014-10-02  22:42:00  ,
             gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 139 2014-10-02 23:30:00  15.093517  54.138450        0.130  1412292600   
 140 2014-10-02 23:46:00  15.094350  54.139350        0.133  1412293560   
 141 2014-10-03 03:47:00  15.093983  54.146717        0.128  1412308020   
 142 2014-10-03 04:03:00  15.095067  54.147683        0.134  1412308980   
 143 2014-10-03 04:19:00  15.098000  54.149517        0.128  1412309940   
 144 2014-10-03 04:35:00  15.104433  54.147617        0.119  1412310900   
 145 2014-10-03 05:23:00  15.152317  54.096800        0.121  1412313780   
 146 2014-10-03 05:39:00  15.190917  54.093067        0.132  1412314740   
 147 2014-10-03 05:55:00  15.197550  54.096967        0.133  1412315700   
 148 2014-10-03 06:27:00  15.243367  54.089450        0.135  1412317620   
 149 2014-10-03 06:43:00  15.243600  54.089300        0.135  1412318580   
 150 2014-10-03 06:59:00  15.244167  54.089067        0.133  1412319540   
           dates     times  
 139  2014-10-02  23:30:00  
 140  2014-10-02  23:46:00  
 141  2014-10-03  03:47:00  
 142  2014-10-03  04:03:00  
 143  2014-10-03  04:19:00  
 144  2014-10-03  04:35:00  
 145  2014-10-03  05:23:00  
 146  2014-10-03  05:39:00  
 147  2014-10-03  05:55:00  
 148  2014-10-03  06:27:00  
 149  2014-10-03  06:43:00  
 150  2014-10-03  06:59:00  ,
             gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 151 2014-10-03 07:15:00  15.244133  54.089417        0.133  1412320500   
 152 2014-10-03 07:33:00  15.244200  54.089733        0.133  1412321580   
 153 2014-10-03 07:47:00  15.243783  54.089867        0.130  1412322420   
 154 2014-10-03 11:49:00  15.238017  54.089583        0.136  1412336940   
 155 2014-10-03 12:05:00  15.238167  54.089050        0.158  1412337900   
 156 2014-10-03 12:22:00  15.238100  54.088700        0.158  1412338920   
 157 2014-10-03 12:37:00  15.236933  54.088900        0.160  1412339820   
 158 2014-10-03 13:10:00  15.237350  54.089000        0.162  1412341800   
 159 2014-10-03 13:26:00  15.237433  54.089017        0.109  1412342760   
 160 2014-10-03 13:42:00  15.237433  54.088983        0.099  1412343720   
 161 2014-10-03 13:58:00  15.237433  54.088983        0.106  1412344680   
 162 2014-10-03 14:30:00  15.236800  54.088517        0.101  1412346600   
           dates     times  
 151  2014-10-03  07:15:00  
 152  2014-10-03  07:33:00  
 153  2014-10-03  07:47:00  
 154  2014-10-03  11:49:00  
 155  2014-10-03  12:05:00  
 156  2014-10-03  12:22:00  
 157  2014-10-03  12:37:00  
 158  2014-10-03  13:10:00  
 159  2014-10-03  13:26:00  
 160  2014-10-03  13:42:00  
 161  2014-10-03  13:58:00  
 162  2014-10-03  14:30:00  ,
             gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 163 2014-10-03 14:47:00  15.236733  54.088233        0.105  1412347620   
 164 2014-10-03 15:35:00  15.237633  54.088950        0.101  1412350500   
 165 2014-10-03 15:51:00  15.243483  54.091083        0.108  1412351460   
 166 2014-10-03 19:52:00  14.787900  54.018417        0.103  1412365920   
 167 2014-10-03 20:08:00  14.787250  54.018517        0.104  1412366880   
 168 2014-10-03 20:24:00  14.786450  54.018783        0.101  1412367840   
 169 2014-10-03 20:40:00  14.785433  54.019250        0.113  1412368800   
 170 2014-10-03 21:28:00  14.784967  54.019617        0.127  1412371680   
 171 2014-10-03 21:44:00  14.786017  54.018650        0.123  1412372640   
 172 2014-10-03 22:00:00  14.785600  54.018983        0.123  1412373600   
 173 2014-10-03 22:32:00  14.784983  54.020017        0.104  1412375520   
 174 2014-10-03 22:48:00  14.785433  54.020367        0.099  1412376480   
           dates     times  
 163  2014-10-03  14:47:00  
 164  2014-10-03  15:35:00  
 165  2014-10-03  15:51:00  
 166  2014-10-03  19:52:00  
 167  2014-10-03  20:08:00  
 168  2014-10-03  20:24:00  
 169  2014-10-03  20:40:00  
 170  2014-10-03  21:28:00  
 171  2014-10-03  21:44:00  
 172  2014-10-03  22:00:00  
 173  2014-10-03  22:32:00  
 174  2014-10-03  22:48:00  ,
             gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 175 2014-10-03 23:04:00  14.785533  54.020600        0.099  1412377440   
 176 2014-10-03 23:20:00  14.785650  54.021083        0.098  1412378400   
 177 2014-10-03 23:36:00  14.785433  54.021517        0.098  1412379360   
 178 2014-10-03 23:52:00  14.785767  54.021817        0.103  1412380320   
 179 2014-10-04 03:53:00  14.778733  54.025167        0.103  1412394780   
 180 2014-10-04 04:09:00  14.778000  54.025550        0.104  1412395740   
 181 2014-10-04 04:25:00  14.777683  54.025383        0.096  1412396700   
 182 2014-10-04 04:41:00  14.778167  54.025033        0.104  1412397660   
 183 2014-10-04 05:29:00  14.780733  53.994583        0.099  1412400540   
 184 2014-10-04 05:45:00  14.780900  53.994617        0.098  1412401500   
 185 2014-10-04 06:01:00  14.780883  53.994533        0.099  1412402460   
 186 2014-10-04 06:33:00  14.780950  53.994300        0.098  1412404380   
           dates     times  
 175  2014-10-03  23:04:00  
 176  2014-10-03  23:20:00  
 177  2014-10-03  23:36:00  
 178  2014-10-03  23:52:00  
 179  2014-10-04  03:53:00  
 180  2014-10-04  04:09:00  
 181  2014-10-04  04:25:00  
 182  2014-10-04  04:41:00  
 183  2014-10-04  05:29:00  
 184  2014-10-04  05:45:00  
 185  2014-10-04  06:01:00  
 186  2014-10-04  06:33:00  ,
             gpsDateTime    gpsLong     gpsLat  gpsAltitude       epoch  \
 187 2014-10-04 06:49:00  14.780833  53.994033        0.103  1412405340   
 188 2014-10-04 07:38:00  14.778800  53.993117        0.103  1412408280   
 189 2014-10-04 07:53:00  14.718333  53.959217        0.103  1412409180   
 190 2014-08-30 12:39:00  75.312300  71.454100        0.101  1409402340   
 191 2014-08-30 14:42:00  75.347050  71.463450        0.102  1409409720   
 192 2014-08-30 18:49:00  75.379600  71.457583        0.103  1409424540   
 193 2014-09-27 10:54:00  49.504100  67.734967        0.100  1411815240   
 194 2014-09-27 11:09:00  49.503800  67.735100        0.098  1411816140   
 195 2014-09-27 11:25:00  49.503767  67.735100        0.099  1411817100   
 196 2014-09-27 11:40:00  49.503667  67.735100        0.100  1411818000   
 197 2014-09-27 11:56:00  49.503650  67.735100        0.100  1411818960   
 198 2014-09-27 12:11:00  49.503617  67.735000        0.092  1411819860   
           dates     times  
 187  2014-10-04  06:49:00  
 188  2014-10-04  07:38:00  
 189  2014-10-04  07:53:00  
 190  2014-08-30  12:39:00  
 191  2014-08-30  14:42:00  
 192  2014-08-30  18:49:00  
 193  2014-09-27  10:54:00  
 194  2014-09-27  11:09:00  
 195  2014-09-27  11:25:00  
 196  2014-09-27  11:40:00  
 197  2014-09-27  11:56:00  
 198  2014-09-27  12:11:00  ]

Spatio-Temporal filter and Interpolation process (ST-IDW)

Once we have requested the swarm data, now we need to filter in space and time the available points to compute the magnetic values (NEC frame) for each GPS point based on its particular date and time. The function ST_IDW_Process imported in the row_handler, takes the GPS track and the downloaded data from swarm to filter in space and time based on the criteria defined in our method. With the swarm data filtered we interpolated (IDW) the NEC components for each GPS data point, based on the latitude, date, time and number of Swarm points filtered.

The function CHAOS_ground_values, inside the MagGeoFunctions file, is used to run the Calculation of magnetic components. This calculation requeries the magnetic components at the trajectory altitude (or at the ground level) using CHAOS (theta, phi, radial). This process include a rotation and transformation between a geocentric frame (CHAOS) and geodetic frame (GPS track). Once the corrected values are calculated, are included in the GPS track, and the non-necesary columns are removed. For more information about this process go to the Main Notebook.

Run the (ST-IDW) process in parallel mode

Although the next cell seems to run a small main function. What is happening is a call for several functions running at same time for several cores. Initially we set a pool of processes. Using the pool class we will distribute the assigned function among the data chucks we created. Every data chunk will be like a subset of the entire GPS track. So we need to iterate among data chunk. And inside every data chunk we need to identify the datetime, epoch, altitude, latitude and longitude of each row to run the interpolation & annotation process using the Swarm data we have filtered and stored in the previous steps.

The function in charge to distribute the required function (row_handler) among the data chunks is the map function from the pool class. is an interows iteration to get the required parameter for the ST_IDW_Process function.

from functools import partial
from utilities.row_handler import row_handler

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with multiprocessing.Pool(NumCores) as pool:
        GeoMagParallelResult = pd.concat(,df_chunks), ignore_index=True)
Annotating the GPS Trayectory: 100%|██████████| 12/12 [00:00<00:00, 18.64it/s]

CPU times: user 245 ms, sys: 265 ms, total: 510 ms
Wall time: 17.5 s

With the Parallel mode the Annotation process takes about 12 seconds to complete ( We had tested the parallel process in a windows server machine with 12 cores, see the image bellow). With the same GPS track in the sequetial mode the process is complete in about 2 minutes. In the image bellow you can see how the machine create several python processes and all cores (full CPU capacity) is taken.

The final result

With the NEC components for each GPS Track point, it is possible to compute the aditional magnetic components. For more information about the magnetic components and their relevance go to the main paper or notebook.

#14. Having Intepolated and weigth magnetic values, we can compute the other magnectic components. 
GeoMagParallelResult['H'] = np.sqrt((GeoMagParallelResult['N']**2)+(GeoMagParallelResult['E']**2))
#check the arcgtan in python., From arctan2 is saver.
DgpsRad = np.arctan2(GeoMagParallelResult['E'],GeoMagParallelResult['N'])
GeoMagParallelResult['D'] = np.degrees(DgpsRad)
IgpsRad = np.arctan2(GeoMagParallelResult['C'],GeoMagParallelResult['H'])
GeoMagParallelResult['I'] = np.degrees(IgpsRad)
GeoMagParallelResult['F'] = np.sqrt((GeoMagParallelResult['N']**2)+(GeoMagParallelResult['E']**2)+(GeoMagParallelResult['C']**2))
Latitude Longitude Altitude DateTime TotalPoints Minimum_Distance Average_Distance Kp N E C N_Obs E_Obs C_Obs H D I F
0 70.854717 68.307333 0.000 2014-09-08 05:54:00 46 327.950987 665.008368 1.308696 6949.075221 3851.112405 57703.184834 6970.420967 3838.494559 57689.934814 7944.854510 28.994810 82.160529 58247.560062
1 70.830300 67.975050 0.406 2014-09-08 06:10:00 46 340.038476 667.146029 1.308696 6985.622920 3866.290909 57644.882192 7006.455690 3854.336448 57631.552162 7984.180169 28.962950 82.114343 58195.185161
2 70.761717 67.752417 0.498 2014-09-08 06:26:00 55 348.223318 678.815409 1.190909 7035.516299 3877.393141 57609.773161 7053.372261 3867.299155 57596.673601 8033.222713 28.859910 82.061748 58167.161103
3 70.686517 67.561983 0.787 2014-09-08 06:42:00 55 355.472899 680.040733 1.190909 7082.942040 3886.893072 57574.854667 7100.195014 3877.501165 57561.704322 8079.356763 28.756578 82.011966 58138.970542
4 70.685450 67.548317 0.337 2014-09-08 07:14:00 55 355.980432 680.062802 1.190909 7086.053455 3888.434162 57584.748919 7102.154616 3880.203863 57571.538841 8082.825855 28.755544 82.009936 58149.250914
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
194 67.735100 49.503800 0.098 2014-09-27 11:09:00 58 314.462546 745.632468 3.162069 9984.190384 3989.648532 54839.583749 10022.560998 3970.721884 54824.183309 10751.806966 21.781482 78.907336 55883.640708
195 67.735100 49.503767 0.099 2014-09-27 11:25:00 39 314.463935 735.353061 3.094872 9987.045686 3988.615518 54838.817622 10022.559137 3970.716277 54824.153874 10754.075287 21.770726 78.904903 55883.325362
196 67.735100 49.503667 0.100 2014-09-27 11:40:00 39 314.468143 735.351634 3.094872 9986.907471 3988.768074 54838.723643 10022.559815 3970.707962 54824.114084 10754.003515 21.771754 78.904956 55883.219327
197 67.735100 49.503650 0.100 2014-09-27 11:56:00 39 314.468858 735.351391 3.094872 9986.789499 3988.909547 54838.658178 10022.560459 3970.707276 54824.111456 10753.946432 21.772687 78.905001 55883.144101
198 67.735000 49.503617 0.092 2014-09-27 12:11:00 39 314.470867 735.352699 3.094872 9986.775864 3989.044755 54838.768736 10022.634702 3970.733212 54824.283845 10753.983923 21.773383 78.904985 55883.259807

199 rows × 18 columns

The previous dataframe (GPS_ResInt), MagGeo has computed the geomagnetic components for each locations and time of your CSV trajectory. Now we will finish up combining the original atributes from your CSV with the annotated results from MagGeo.


MagGeoResult = pd.concat([originalGPSTrack, GeoMagParallelResult], axis=1)
#Drop duplicated columns. Latitude, Longitued, and DateTime will not be part of the final result.
MagGeoResult.drop(columns=['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'DateTime'], inplace=True)
CPU times: user 3.91 ms, sys: 1.05 ms, total: 4.95 ms
Wall time: 15.9 ms
timestamp location-long location-lat height individual_id Altitude TotalPoints Minimum_Distance Average_Distance Kp N E C N_Obs E_Obs C_Obs H D I F
0 08/09/2014 05:54 68.307333 70.854717 0.000 1 0.000 46 327.950987 665.008368 1.308696 6949.075221 3851.112405 57703.184834 6970.420967 3838.494559 57689.934814 7944.854510 28.994810 82.160529 58247.560062
1 08/09/2014 06:10 67.975050 70.830300 0.406 1 0.406 46 340.038476 667.146029 1.308696 6985.622920 3866.290909 57644.882192 7006.455690 3854.336448 57631.552162 7984.180169 28.962950 82.114343 58195.185161
2 08/09/2014 06:26 67.752417 70.761717 0.498 1 0.498 55 348.223318 678.815409 1.190909 7035.516299 3877.393141 57609.773161 7053.372261 3867.299155 57596.673601 8033.222713 28.859910 82.061748 58167.161103
3 08/09/2014 06:42 67.561983 70.686517 0.787 1 0.787 55 355.472899 680.040733 1.190909 7082.942040 3886.893072 57574.854667 7100.195014 3877.501165 57561.704322 8079.356763 28.756578 82.011966 58138.970542
4 08/09/2014 07:14 67.548317 70.685450 0.337 1 0.337 55 355.980432 680.062802 1.190909 7086.053455 3888.434162 57584.748919 7102.154616 3880.203863 57571.538841 8082.825855 28.755544 82.009936 58149.250914
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
194 27/09/2014 11:09 49.503800 67.735100 0.098 2 0.098 58 314.462546 745.632468 3.162069 9984.190384 3989.648532 54839.583749 10022.560998 3970.721884 54824.183309 10751.806966 21.781482 78.907336 55883.640708
195 27/09/2014 11:25 49.503767 67.735100 0.099 2 0.099 39 314.463935 735.353061 3.094872 9987.045686 3988.615518 54838.817622 10022.559137 3970.716277 54824.153874 10754.075287 21.770726 78.904903 55883.325362
196 27/09/2014 11:40 49.503667 67.735100 0.100 2 0.100 39 314.468143 735.351634 3.094872 9986.907471 3988.768074 54838.723643 10022.559815 3970.707962 54824.114084 10754.003515 21.771754 78.904956 55883.219327
197 27/09/2014 11:56 49.503650 67.735100 0.100 2 0.100 39 314.468858 735.351391 3.094872 9986.789499 3988.909547 54838.658178 10022.560459 3970.707276 54824.111456 10753.946432 21.772687 78.905001 55883.144101
198 27/09/2014 12:11 49.503617 67.735000 0.092 2 0.092 39 314.470867 735.352699 3.094872 9986.775864 3989.044755 54838.768736 10022.634702 3970.733212 54824.283845 10753.983923 21.773383 78.904985 55883.259807

199 rows × 20 columns

Export the final results to a CSV file

#Exporting the CSV file
outputfile ="GeoMagResult_"+gpsfilename
export_csv = MagGeoResult.to_csv (os.path.join(results_dir,outputfile), index = None, header=True)
CPU times: user 6.95 ms, sys: 2.86 ms, total: 9.8 ms
Wall time: 53.7 ms

Validate the results (optional)

To validate the results we plot the Fcolumn.

## Creating a copy of the results and setting the Datetime Column as dataframe index.
ValidateDF = GeoMagParallelResult.copy()
ValidateDF.set_index("DateTime", inplace=True)
## Plotting the F column.
hist = ValidateDF.hist(column='F')
plt.title('F distribution')
plt.xlabel('F in nT')
plt.ylabel('# of measurements')
Text(0, 0.5, '# of measurements')

Mapping the GPS Track using the annotated Magnetic Values (optional)

Now we are going to plot the annotated GPS track stored into the MagDataFinal dataframe to see how the different magnetic components in a map to have a better prespective of the impact of the earth magnetic field.

ValidateDF.plot(kind="scatter", x="Latitude", y="Longitude",
    label="Magnetic Intensity in nT",
    c="F", cmap=plt.get_cmap("gist_rainbow"),
    colorbar=True, alpha=0.4, figsize=(10,7),
    sharex=False #This is only needed to get the x-axis label working due to a current bug in pandas plot.

plt.ylabel("Longitude", fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel("Latitude", fontsize=10)

import geopandas
import geoplot
import hvplot.pandas 
gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(ValidateDF, geometry=geopandas.points_from_xy(ValidateDF.Longitude, ValidateDF.Latitude))
Latitude Longitude Altitude TotalPoints Minimum_Distance Average_Distance Kp N E C N_Obs E_Obs C_Obs H D I F geometry
2014-09-08 05:54:00 70.854717 68.307333 0.000 46 327.950987 665.008368 1.308696 6949.075221 3851.112405 57703.184834 6970.420967 3838.494559 57689.934814 7944.854510 28.994810 82.160529 58247.560062 POINT (68.30733 70.85472)
2014-09-08 06:10:00 70.830300 67.975050 0.406 46 340.038476 667.146029 1.308696 6985.622920 3866.290909 57644.882192 7006.455690 3854.336448 57631.552162 7984.180169 28.962950 82.114343 58195.185161 POINT (67.97505 70.83030)
2014-09-08 06:26:00 70.761717 67.752417 0.498 55 348.223318 678.815409 1.190909 7035.516299 3877.393141 57609.773161 7053.372261 3867.299155 57596.673601 8033.222713 28.859910 82.061748 58167.161103 POINT (67.75242 70.76172)
2014-09-08 06:42:00 70.686517 67.561983 0.787 55 355.472899 680.040733 1.190909 7082.942040 3886.893072 57574.854667 7100.195014 3877.501165 57561.704322 8079.356763 28.756578 82.011966 58138.970542 POINT (67.56198 70.68652)
2014-09-08 07:14:00 70.685450 67.548317 0.337 55 355.980432 680.062802 1.190909 7086.053455 3888.434162 57584.748919 7102.154616 3880.203863 57571.538841 8082.825855 28.755544 82.009936 58149.250914 POINT (67.54832 70.68545)
gdf.hvplot(title=f'Annotated trajectory using MagGeo - F GeoMag Intensity',
Unable to display output for mime type(s): 
gdf.hvplot(title=f'Annotated trajectory using MagGeo - I Inclination',
Unable to display output for mime type(s): 
world = geopandas.read_file(geopandas.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
ax = world.plot(color='white', edgecolor='black', figsize = (12,6))

minx, miny, maxx, maxy = gdf.total_bounds
ax.set_xlim(minx, maxx)
ax.set_ylim(miny, maxy)

# We can now plot our ``GeoDataFrame``.
gdf.plot(ax=ax, column='F', legend=True, 
         legend_kwds={'label': "Magnetic Intensity in nT",
                      'orientation': "horizontal"})
plt.ylabel("Longitude", fontsize=9)
plt.xlabel("Latitude", fontsize=9)

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize = (15,6))

ax1 = world.plot(ax=ax1, color='white', edgecolor='black')
xlim = ([gdf.total_bounds[0],  gdf.total_bounds[2]])
ylim = ([gdf.total_bounds[1],  gdf.total_bounds[3]])

gdf.plot(ax=ax1, column='F', legend=True,
         legend_kwds={'label': "Magnetic Intensity in nT",
                      'orientation': "horizontal"})
plt.ylabel("Longitude", fontsize=9)
plt.xlabel("Latitude", fontsize=9)
ax1.set_title('Magnetic Intensity - F')

ax2 = world.plot( ax=ax2, color='white', edgecolor='black')
xlim = ([gdf.total_bounds[0],  gdf.total_bounds[2]])
ylim = ([gdf.total_bounds[1],  gdf.total_bounds[3]])

# We can now plot our ``GeoDataFrame``.
gdf.plot(ax=ax2, column='D', legend=True, cmap='Spectral', 
         legend_kwds={'label': " Declination in Degrees",
                      'orientation': "horizontal"})
ax2.set_title('Declination - D')
Text(567.7954545454544, 0.5, 'Longitude')