
How to install and Run MagGeo on your machine

To install and run MagGeo you need to follow the following steps.

1. Install Miniconda

Recommended setup if starting without Python already

Install Miniconda:

2. Clone the MagGeo repository:

You will need Git (version control system) to clone MagGeo, install first accordingly (

Open a new terminal (MacOS, Linux) or command prompt (Windows) and run:

git clone

3. Change the directory

You will need to change the directory to where you cloned/downloaded the MagGeo repository. If you donwloaded it–Do not forget to unzip the folder before using it. If you’re using the terminal on Linux or macOS, it is the same syntax to change directory.

cd MagGeo-Annotation-Program

4. Create MagGeoEnv environment – this should take around five minutes.

We have create a new virtual environment for you, thus you can keep MagGeo isolated from other python environment you might have. In the terminal run:

conda env create --file environment.yml

5. Activate MagGeoEnv

conda activate MagGeoEnv

6. Sign Up at VirES for Swarm - VRE and get a web client Token

MagGeo use VirES (Virtual environments for Earth Scientists) a platform for data & model access, analysis, and visualization for ESA’s magnetic mission Swarm. This is a powerful client with the viresclient API that provide several classes and methods defined in the vires client package. The viresclient Python package allows you to connect to the VirES server to download Swarm data and data calculated using magnetic models.

  1. First to all you need to create an account and Sign up using
  2. Once you have created the account, Log In
  3. Follow the instructions in to get your token.
  4. Copy and Paste your token after –token in the following command